Browsing All posts tagged under »philosophy«

St. Catherine of Alexandria – Expect forces of evil to oppose a life of truth and justice

November 26, 2012


Marydom of St Catherine When we live a life of truth and justice, we can expect the forces of evil to oppose us. Our perseverance in good, however, will be everlasting. St. Catherine of Alexandria Patron of Philosophers and preachers Feastday:November 25St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr whose feast dayis November 25th. She is […]

Solace – ” I navigate the world with a map made of words”

June 1, 2012


alexandra writes Solace Posted on May 31, 2012 The storm pulls at my clothes, at my hair, which has grown more and more unruly with each night spent at sea. Knots collect at my scalp, at the roots, making nests for the rats that I share my quarters with. I shiver at the thought of […]

My Botanical Garden

garden and art

Ramblings of a Fibro Fogged Mind

Fibro, ME, and Welfare Reform

Happily Lover

Happily Ever After

Colours and Words Waltz

a blog by Sharmishtha Basu (Agnijaat, Agnishatdal, Agnijashatadalama, Indie Adda)


self discovery - an expedition through some life issues - and other random thoughts

Alternative Cities

France & Comores. Blog,Infos,Environnement-Articles on urban planning&environment in France and Comoros. Fr/En


A great site